The Federal Bureau of Statistics, Statistics Division
And Heartfile
Developing a system for periodic reporting of health statistics in Pakistan
This memorandum of understanding is made at Islamabad on this 13th day of June, 2006 by the Federal Bureau of Statistics, Statistics Division, Government of Pakistan and Heartfile Recognizing that the Federal Bureau of Statistics, Statistics Division is the state-mandated agency for collecting, collating, and reporting data within the country; Noting that to fulfill this mandate the Federal Bureau of Statistics, Statistics Division publishes reports on a regular basis; Recognizing that data and evidence from data is central to the health policy and planning process and must form the basis of practices in each health care domain; Expressing that it is imperative for the Federal Bureau of Statistics, Statistics Division to collect, collate and report data from various sources; and Noting that Heartfile is the leading Non Governmental Organization, which has the technical expertise to assist the Federal Bureau of Statistics, Statistics Division in the collation and reporting of health-related indicators.
This MOU establishes a partnership between Federal Bureau of Statistics, Statistics Division and Heartfile to develop a mechanism for periodic reporting of health statistics in Pakistan.
Roles and responsibilities: Heartfile will…
- Provide strategic support to the Federal Bureau of Statistics to develop a set of health indicators and a mechanism for their periodic reporting relevant to Pakistan;
- develop and consolidate a set of outcome, process, input /structural indicators relevant to health within a system- and program- domain with a view to enhancing the critical body of evidence relevant to policy and operational decision-making in health sector;
- collate, consolidate and report existing data based on these indicators from various sources with inputs of relevant stakeholders;
develop the first report on health statistics entitled “Gateway Health Statistics” linking its interpretative components with the recently launched “Gateway Paper”. - solicit inputs to this publication through the Heartfile hosted Health Policy Think Tank and Forum; and
authorize use of logo(s) on joint publications materials. - continue to work with FBS, Statistics Division on a long term basis as may be mutually agreed, to develop a health data observatory and/or in any other relevant area in order to strengthen the evidence and policy linkage within the health sector.
Heartfile commits to this role voluntarily in line with its commitment to strengthen health systems in Pakistan and the evidence and policy loop in the health sector; for this purpose Heartfile will be contributing its intellectual and human resources. The endeavor will be personally overseen by President Heartfile in national interest.
Roles and responsibilities: Statistics Division Will…
- Facilitate the collection of secondary data from source agencies and assume responsibility for its publication and its launching;
- Set up an institutional mechanism to collect, collate and report data on uniform standards;
- Build linkages with appropriate health data sources to ensure regular flow of data and ownership of this initiative;
- Develop/adapt data handling software tailored to Statistic Divisions needs;
- Create channels for communication with the stakeholders to facilitate the utilization of evidence; and
- Over the long term, work towards creating a health data observatory within the Statistics Division in collaboration with Heartfile.
This MOU also expresses the intent of the partners to work together to facilitate the effective transformation of data into meaningful information, as a means to fostering a culture of evidence-based decision making in the health sector.
The Federal Bureau of Statistics,
Statistics Division, Government of Pakistan