Memorandum of Understanding
This Memorandum of Understanding is between
The Health Sector Reform Unit, Department of Health, Govt. of NWFP; and
Developing a Health Policy for NWFP based on the Gateway Paper’s approach to health systems.
This Memorandum of Understanding is between
The Health Sector Reform Unit, Department of Health, Govt. of NWFP; and
Developing a Health Policy for NWFP based on the Gateway Paper’s approach to health systems.
This MOU builds further on GTZ and NWFP-Health Reform Unit’s participation in the Heartfile-hosted Health Policy Think Tank/Forum, the strategic plan of the Health Policy Think Tank/Forum and its planning meetings held in the first quarter of the 2006, post publication of the Gateway paper and the subsequent discussions between Paul Rückert (Principal Advisor; GTZ), Bernd Appelt (Principal Advisor SHSR; GTZ), Muhammad Javed Khan (Technical Advisor; GTZ, SHSR, NWFP) and Sania Nishtar (President; Heartfile).The context of this stems from the recent publication of the Gateway Paper – the first publication of Pakistan Health Policy Think Tank/Forum which ‘articulates the raison d’être for health systems reforms within the country, proposes a direction for reforms and emphasize the need for evidence based approach to reforms’. The strategy proposed by the Gateway Paper has been recognized as a model for developing a Health Policy in NWFP.The development of the Health Policy in NWFP is part of the Post-Gateway Paper deliberations to develop a Federal and Provincial Health Policy in congruity, which in addition to its health systems orientation will also clarify federal, provincial and district level roles, responsibilities and prerogatives in health care delivery.Within this context, the objective of this MOU is to develop a Health Policy for NWFP based on the Gateway Paper’s approach to health systems.The roles and responsibilities of the partners are articulated hereunder:
Heartfile and the Health Policy Think Tank will:
- Take a lead role and anchor the process of policy development and its consultative process in NWFP. This will involve conducting key informant interviews on the Gateway Paper approach to health systems reform as relevant to NWFP, resourcing, moderating and anchoring consultations/focus group discussions with various stakeholders in the health sector and performing an analytical role.
- Take a lead role in developing the policy framework; this will involve the articulation of a direction for a health systems reform in NWFP and its crystallization in the shape of a policy framework linking-in with the Gateway Paper approach to health systems
- Solicit inputs from members of the Health Policy Think Tank/Forum on the strategic Direction of the Policy framework
- Utilize its secretariat to logistically support this process
- Authorize use of Heartfile and Pakistan’s Health Policy Forums logos on approved materials.
The Health Sector Reform Unit, Government of NWFP will:
- Take a lead role in coordinating meetings; co-host meetings and actively participate in the consultative process
- Establish committees comprising of broad based representation mutually agreed between stakeholders in each health systems domain and take proactive measures to mobilize stakeholders
- Solicit participation of all relevant stakeholders in meetings and provide, logistic support to this activity
- Obtain concurrence through a consultative processes from all stakeholders
- Anchor the process of institutionalizing the Health Policy once developed and garner institutional support for the new policy
- Authorize use of logo(s) on approved materials
German Technical Cooperation will:
- Co host meetings and proactively participate in all meetings
- Provide technical support to the consultative process
- Provide expert opinion and counsel all stakeholders whenever required
- Authorize use of logo(s) on approved materials
- Bear the cost of the publication of the deliverables
- Support the logistic costs incurred at the NWFP Health Reform Unit and Heartfile
Dr Sania Nishtar, commits to contributing her time voluntarily to lead the consultative process and develop the NWFP health Policy in national interest.
This MOU also expresses the intent of the partners to engage in mutually synergistic activities to advance the common cause of improving health outcomes within the province.
In witness whereof, this MOU is signed the day and year first above written
Dr. Sania Nishtar
For Heartfile
For Heartfile
Dr. Bernd Appelt
Dr. Hameed Afridi
Deputy Chief HSRU
Department of Health, NWFP
Deputy Chief HSRU
Department of Health, NWFP